Tuesday, December 2, 2008

UGH! Where does the time go?!?!

Well another two weeks have come and gone and I realized I have not posted anything! Geez, you would think being on maternity leave I would be a little better at this blogging thing. I promise I will try and get better. Things are still going pretty smoothly at the Raymond house with the exception of me getting mastitis AGAIN! After another doctor appointment we have decided it is in my best interest to stop nursing Charli and switch her to formula. Luckily I have quite a bit of frozen milk so we can slowly start switching her over. Hopefully she tolerates it okay.
Here is Charli trying to enjoy some swing time.
Unfortunately for Charli her big sister usually interrupts her.
She is such a big helper ;)

Ahhh..Finally Charli is able to enjoy some peace and
queit in her swing!

Cash and Carter both have colds again so we are constantly chasing after them to wipe their snotty noses. UGH!?!? Hopefully this one is short lived.
Here are a few pictures over the last two weeks.

BUSTED! Carter is famous for waking Charli up when she is napping.
Needless to say the pack n play is no longer set up in the family room.

Cash wearing his silly face at Thanksgiving

Carter waiting patiently to leave for
Grandma & Grandpa's house on Thanksgiving

Skyler is busy into the wrestling season. He was originally signed up for the in-house program but after a few practices he has decided to switch to the competitive season. He is still unsure of doing the weekend tournaments but at least this gives him a little bit more of a taste for it. Unfortunately he celebrated Thanksgiving with his mom so we don't have any new pictures to post of him...I promise we should have some next time!

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