Monday, June 14, 2010

Rain, Rain...Go Away!!!

Well it seems another few months have come and gone without a blog post.  Baseball has no doubt kept us all very busy...In between practices, games, and tournaments we have been trying to keep up on the daily chores around the house.  There are many days I hope no one decides to stop by unexpectedly because the house is far from presentable.  YIKES!!

A lot has happened over the last few months, Charli got yet another ear infection and it was finally determined that she needed tubes.  It was a very quick procedure with very little recovery time on our end.  The surgeon said tubes were definitely the way to go with her. After he cleared all the fluid out of both of her ears he found puss pockets behind both ear drums that would never have cleared up on their own.  ICK!!!  Tomorrow will be two weeks and we can already see a HUGE difference in her.  She is finally eating again (maybe we can FINALLY start having her wear all of her 12 month clothes) and her vocabulary has grown dramatically.  They warned us that would happen, we just didn't think it would be so noticeable.  Our once very quite little girl is becoming quite the talker! 

Skyler is now a middle schooler!!!  Can you believe it?!  I know we can't!  Wrestling season has finally wrapped up and we are now in the middle of baseball season.  He is on the traveling team for the 10A Orange and is loving every second of it.  They have been on quite the winning streak and over the weekend were undefeated in all three of their games until the championship where they lost to Hastings!  It was quite the heartbreaker but they did a GREAT job and earned a spot in the State Tournament July 9-11.  Way to go Tigers!!!!  We have another tournament this weekend in Prior Lake, let's just hope for some better weather as we are getting quite tired of sitting in the rain!

Cash and Carter are definitely happy summer is here, although they would like the weather to improve as we purchased a pool at the end of May.  We had a few warm days but with all the rain it has definitely cooled the water down again.  Hopefully soon they will be able to use it!!!! 

Cash completed his first year of Wee Tigers preschool and loved every minute of it.  We debated about the preschool option for next year and finally decided he will stay a Tiger for one more year.  It is just so convenient for me and I just was not quite ready to pull him out of daycare and put him in the School Age Kids program in Randolph.

Carter has been in heaven the last two weeks as Cole FINALLY had her baby. It had become the question of the day at our house for quite some time as to when he was coming out of her tummy....She is just infatuated with Baby Levi!!!  He has now become her new best friend along side of Cole. I swear she would move in with Cole and Grant if we would let her. She is definitely a little mother hen to him.  We are so happy he is finally here!!!!

Between all of our running Josh and I managed to take our annual trip to the National Bowling Tournament.  This year it was held in Reno.  I actually bowled in the tournament this year as we had a few guys that normally go decide they would sit this year out.  Surprisingly, I did not do too bad which makes me wonder why they guys are constantly complaining about the shot.  Hmm?! Overall the trip was a lot of fun but it is always nice to come back home!!!!