Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Introducing Charli Lynn...

Well, I really wanted to get this posted last week but things have not gone all that smoothly since coming home from the hospital. I think things are FINALLY starting to settle down and we are getting into somewhat of a routine. Cash and Carter are in LOVE with their new baby sister, Carter more so than Cash. She is never far from her side. Skyler is well...Skyler he has been through this so many times :)

Charli Lynn decided to finally make her appearance on Monday, November 3rd at 6:57 am. I was scheduled to be induced that day however; she had plans of her own. At 4:00 am I got up to go to the bathroom when I realized I was soaked. I honestly did not think it was my water and woke Josh up and told him I was pretty sure I peed the bed. He of course insisted it was my water, I was still not convinced as I was not having any contractions. I decided I better call the hospital just in case. The nurse laughed and said you better come in to get checked. I went up and told Josh I was going to take a shower (again I was still convinced I peed myself and I did not want it all over myself) by the time I was dressed I started having contractions. Turns out the shower might not have been such a good idea as on the way to the hospital the contractions really picked up. By the time we arrived they were about 3 minutes apart. We got checked in to our room around 5:15 or so where the nurse confirmed my water did break and I was dilated to 5 cm. At this time my contractions were one on top of each other. I asked her to please check me again and I was already a 7-8 cm. I really was hoping to have another natural child birth but these contractions were not like I remembered. I caved and opted for the epidural. Turns out by the time he was done inserting it I was fully dilated and ready to push, so much for the epidural! A few pushes later Charli Lynn entered the world weighing in at 7 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long.

Like I said we have had a few bumps in the road the past few weeks but we wouldn't trade it for anything! Thanks to everyone who have helped us out leading up to Charli's birth and afterwards during my sickness. We could not have done it without you!!!!

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